Slice-of-Life-graphicPart I

“Are you eating my beets and okra?” my husband asks.

“Yes, Pop,” Ben replies as he pops the pickled okra stem in his mouth and grins.

“Don’t you eat it all…” Ken teases.

“Don’t worry, Pop. You have monies for more. Come look,” Ben motions as he hurries into our bedroom to show Pop the change lying there on the dresser. “See, lots of beet and okra money.”

I hear indistinct talking in the other room as they discuss this weighty issue. Ben emerges from the bedroom at a run, headed for the pantry. He emerges with an empty blue cheese spread container.

“Here, Pop. We can save our monies in here.” Over the course of several weeks, more of Pop’s change finds its way into the Beets and Okra Bank.

“You know, Pop, maybe we could  get candy with our money…or a toy…”

Ancient Proverb: What’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is mine.

Part II

Our older son comes by one day to tell us he has registered for Ironman Boulder in June. When Ben overhears Matt remark that it’s a lot of money, he takes off and comes back with the Beets and Okra Bank. “Here’s some monies, Uncle Matt.”

Ghandi: Generosity consists not in the sum given, but in the manner in which it is bestowed.

Update: Ben is our four-year-old grandson; he calls us Pop and Hess (no idea where my name came from!). He happened to be spending the day with us when our older son Matt dropped by. Sorry for any confusion.