icicles on pergola

Are you yearning for spring yet? Have you had a few of those sunny days in the 70’s to taunt you on a day before the temperature drops to 25 degrees and sleet falls? If so, you may live in Texas! The roses had tender leaf buds sprouting and the lily had green shoots appearing at the base of last year’s brown stalks. Then we had two entire days of freezing cold, icy weather just to remind us that it IS still February. (My apologies to people up north who would call this cold snap a spring day.)

icy abelia bush

Icicles hang off the abelia’s branches

If warm weather isn’t coming quickly enough for you, I recommend inking up your floral stamps to create your own bit of spring, as I’m doing. This project will be my third “inchie art” in a month. These little bits are fun to make and offer a quick way to try new techniques without the threat of ruining a larger project. Each white square measures three inches. Most all these little bits are made from current products, but I couldn’t resist pulling out a few older favorites. As I’ve said before, one of great things about Stampin’ UP! products is the way they all work together.

Stampin' UP! spring collage

Spring themed Inchie art in progress

I should be able to share this bit of spring completed and framed in a few days. Meanwhile, stay warm and thanks for stopping by!